Plastic Centrifugal Pumps
(Non-Metallic Chemical Pumps)
- magnetically coupled
- mechanical sealed
- vertical installed
since 1964

MUNSCH Imagefilm
For more than 50 years MUNSCH is a privately owned specialist for non-metallic pumps with a major focus on customer needs, high-quality and –efficiency. The pumps can be found in chemical industries where safety is a major issue and in all kind of industrial applications where availability, fast response and qualified support are required. Customers worldwide benefit from the vast experience MUNSCH has made with every detail of the production process and the lessons-learned from thousands of field applications.
Our product range
Non-Metallic Chemical Pumps
- with magnet drive
- with mechanical seal
- horizontal and vertical installation
Plastic Centrifugal Pumps since 1964

Contact MUNSCH
Company Contact:
MUNSCH Chemie-Pumpen GmbH
Im Staudchen
56235 Ransbach-Baumbach
Fon: +49 2623 898 -0
Mail: info(at)munsch.de
Web: www.munsch.de/en/
Personal Contact:
Mr. Frank Pauly
Fon: +49 2623 898 -433
Mail: frank.pauly(at)munsch.de
Mr. Marc Hummerich
Fon: +49 2623 898 -481
Mail: marc.hummerich(at)munsch.de
Contact regional Sales Manager: