sera GmbH

The sera Group is an independent family business company group with the headquarters in Immenhausen, located in the centre of Germany.

Since its founding in 1945, sera has been synonymous with quality, expertise, innovation, reliability and flexibility.
As one of the worldwide leading German manufacturers of dosing and compressor technology sera provides efficient and optimal customized solutions for all applications involving the accurately measured and controlled dosing, feeding and compressing of liquids and gases.

sera´s core competences, dosing and compressor technology, are represented by sera AQUA and sera Hydrogen (before: sera ComPress).

With the sera companies in Germany (sera AQUA GmbH, sera Hydrogen GmbH and sera Vertriebsservice Süd GmbH), subsidiaries in Great Britain (sera Technology UK Ltd.), South Africa (sera Technology SA (PTY) Ltd.), Spain (sera Tecnología Iberia S.L.), Swiss (sera Technology Swiss GmbH) and Austria (sera Technology Austria GmbH) and a worldwide sales and service network with more than 30 foreign representatives in over 80 countries across all continents, sera offers an optimal customer support and service locally.

sera Headquarter in Immenhausen, Germany. Picture: ©sera


sera GmbH
sera-Straße 1
34376 Immenhausen
F: +49 5673 999-01
contact manufacturer

Employees: more than 250 worldwide
Four subsidiaries and a worldwide sales and service network with more than 30 foreign representatives in over 80 countries across all continents.


  • DIN ISO 9001:2015
  • Specialist qualification §19 I (WHG)
  • BG seal of approval
  • ATEX 95 certification
  • EAC certification, Quality assurance in accordance with KTA 1401
  • Certification Internal manufacturing checks with monitoring of the final assessment (Module A1) according to Directive 97/23 / EC
Do you want to request for one of the different SERA Pumps or for Spare Parts of this?
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pump types

provided pump technologies


Dosing Pumps

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Piston Diaphragm Pumps

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Air Operated Diaphragm Pumps

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Hygienic Pumps

for applications in food, beverage, cosmetic and pharmaceutical industries.
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Piston Pumps

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Plastic Centrifugal Pumps

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