
In chemistry, concentration is the amount of substance divided by the total volume of a given mixture. In other words, it indicates the portion of a substance that is part of the volume of the mixture. The description of the concentration of substances is regulated by the standard DIN 1310.

What types of concentration are there?

There are many different types of concentration measures, such as:
  • mass concentration (mass of substance per volume of mixture),
  • volume concentration (volume of substance per volume of mixture),
  • particle concentration (number of particles per volume of mixture),
  • molar concentration (amount of substance per volume in mol per liter), and
  • equivalent concentration (mol based on equivalent particles).
For the proper use of the term, it must be clearly defined which information is being used. In the case of a low concentration, the solution is referred to as either diluted or aqueous; solutions with high amounts of a given substance are designated as concentrated. Back