
Definition: The drive of a pump is a unit that provides energy for the power input of the pump. The drive generally consists of a motor and a gear unit. It ensures that the pump starts moving and can execute its main task – transporting fluids. Depending on the pump and installation, different drives may be used. The dimensioning of the drive depends, among other things, on the magnitude of the power demand of the pump. Factors such as maintainability and energy efficiency could also play a role.

What drive types are available for pumps?

Electric, diesel, hydraulic, compressed-air – there are many different drive types for pumps, depending on the type of pump, its application purpose, and the requirements on the delivery. Since the drive is a major element of every pump, the drive type can be inferred from the pump’s name in many cases. Hand pumps are manually operated, whereas electric pumps generally feature an electric motor, and in piston pumps, a piston motor provides the power input. A type of drive that is particularly prevalent for centrifugal pumps is the electric motor. By means of a frequency converter, it can be used in a flexible and energy-saving way for this type of pump. The frequency converter allows for a variable speed control, which is necessary if the operating conditions of the pump are not constant and the pump capacities must be controlled efficiently.